Tuesday, March 17, 2015

To live healthy, you have to eat helathy

In continuing on with my "Living Healthy" series, we of course have to conquer the whole eating healthy aspect of it. I'm not going to preach to you about why, because that's obvious. Well, I am, but I'm going to skip over the weigh less, live longer speech. I plan on focusing on more about how eating and what you're eating makes you feel, both physically and mentally.

Food for us is a lot like fuel for a car. If you put the good stuff in a car, it drives better, gets you farther and acts right. And that's a lot like our bodies. If we continually injest sugar and stuff that isn't good for us, then we feel sluggish and lack the energy to do the things we need to do.

That affects us mentally as well. If we eat the wrong things or if we don't eat enough, then we can't focus or our mood is off and that certainly isn't good for those around us.

In order to maintain balance, a healthy diet is essential. We all know how to do that, so I'm not going to bore you with portion sizes and meal ideas. I am, however, going to suggest a little #lifehack that makes things easier.

Drinking water helps keep you on track. It keeps you hydrated and helps you stay full. Adding fruits to your water helps not only with natural flavor but depending on what you put in it, it can also help with energy, mood, weight loss and that's just to name a few.

There's one important thing to remember as you're trying to eat healthy. You must eat to live but don't live to eat. Don't center your whole world around food. Eat just enough to keep you full, satisfied and nourished.

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